Contributing to the library

If you are interested in contributing to the matching then first of all we would like to offer our thanks and say welcome!

Whether you’re looking to provide a fix for a current issue, report a bug or implement a new feature to the library, your contributions are always welcome. Pull requests are a good place to discuss contributions so please do not feel you must present a perfect product from the off.


To make a contribution via a pull request, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the GitHub repository, make a fork, and clone the repo locally:

    $ git clone<your-username>/matching.git
  2. Assuming you have all the dependencies installed, the next step is to ensure that all the tests pass (this should not take very long at all):

    $ cd matching
    $ pytest tests
  3. Make your changes and write tests to go with them, ensuring they pass, too.

  4. Push to your fork and open a pull request.

Best practices

If you’re interested in improving your skills as an open-source contributor, please consider this extensive guide within the Nashpy documentation. They set out some great examples and discussion there, while adhering to the Diátaxis framework for good documentation.