
games.StudentAllocation(self, students, projects, supervisors, clean=False)

Solver for the student-allocation problem (SA).

In SA, a blocking pair is defined as any student-project pair that satisfies all of the following:

  1. The student has a preference of the project.

  2. Either the student is unmatched, or they prefer the project to their current project.

  3. At least one of the following:

    • The project or its supervisor is under-subscribed.
    • The project is under-subscribed and the supervisor is at capacity, and the student is matched to a project offered by the supervisor or the supervisor prefers the student to its worst currently matched student.
    • The project is at capacity and its supervisor prefers the student to its worst currently matched student.


Name Type Description Default
students list of Player The students in the game. Each student must rank a subset of the projects. required
projects list of Project The projects in the game. Each project has a supervisor associated with it that governs its preferences. required
supervisors list of Supervisor The supervisors in the game. Each supervisor oversees a unique subset of projects and ranks all of those students that have ranked at least one of its projects. required
clean bool An indicator as to whether the players passed to the game should be cleaned in a reductive fashion. Defaults to False. False


Name Type Description
matching MultipleMatching or None Once the game is solved, a matching is available. This MultipleMatching object behaves much like a dictionary that uses the elements of projects as keys and their student matches as values. Initialises as None.
blocking_pairs list of (Player, Project) Initialises as None. Otherwise, a list of the student-project blocking pairs.


Name Description
check_inputs Check if any rules of the game have been broken.
check_stability Check for the existence of any blocking pairs.
check_validity Check whether the current matching is valid.
create_from_dictionaries Create an instance of SA from a set of dictionaries.
solve Solve the instance of SA.



Check if any rules of the game have been broken.

Any violations will be flagged as warnings. If the clean attribute is in use, then any violations will be removed.



Check for the existence of any blocking pairs.



Check whether the current matching is valid.


games.StudentAllocation.create_from_dictionaries(student_prefs, supervisor_prefs, project_supervisors, project_capacities, supervisor_capacities, clean=False)

Create an instance of SA from a set of dictionaries.

SA requires preference dictionaries for students and supervisors, a project-supervisor affiliation dictionary, and a capacity dictionary for both the projects and supervisors.



Solve the instance of SA.

Party optimality can be controlled using the optimal parameter. Solutions can either be student-optimal or supervisor-optimal.